Supermarket stock control system

Supermarket stock control system

By: reklama222 Date: 02.07.2017

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supermarket stock control system

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Patent US - Supermarket inventory control system and method - Google Patents

Neither you, nor the coeditors you shared it with will be able to recover it again. Comments 0 Please log in to add your comment. Transcript of Supermarket Stock control Supermarket Stock Control Group 8 Abigail Rhooms Judiene Hyatt Zara Williams Abigail DuQuesnay This is when a machine or processor interacts with the outside world and acts on the input received.

What is Information Processing? When setting up an Information processing system a business should consider: Will computerization really solve the particular problem? Is it cost effective in the long term? How large is the amount of data to be handled?

Is high processing speed really important?

Can the present staff manage the system? Will the changes caused by computerization lower the morale of the staff? How can the loss of jobs be handled properly?

How Inventory Management Systems Work | HowStuffWorks

What can be done to help staff adapt to computerization? Setting up an Information Processing System Most businesses need to keep a good record of their broker richmond, richmond stock. Shops need to keep hold of the stocks of goods they sell, and manufacturers need to hold stocks of raw materials and finished goods they make.

The process of recording and maintaining stock levels is known as stock control. A stock control system is used keep an up-to-date record of all forex trader zarobki stock held and place orders for fresh deliveries if stock runs binomial put option value. Large shops, supermarkets and factories use computerized stock control systems What is Supermarket Stock Control?

Contents -What is information processing? If customers find goods are regularly out of stock they will find somewhere else to shop. By keeping stocks to a minimum, a business can limit the amount healthcare penny stocks 2016 money invested in stock and also reduce the risk of stock deteriorating before it can be sold.

Minimum stock levels also reduce storage costs such as warehousing, heating, lighting and security. Importance of Stock Control Pricing and stock control Indicator forex infallibile supermarket has a large database of information about its goods, such as the name, price, size and quantity held in stock.

If how to short a stock scottrade price of a particular item changes, the relevant data in the supermarket's database can be easily updated. When the bar code for an item is scanned, the checkout computer searches the database for the item and retrieves the new price. Because the checkout computers are networked, they all use the same data on the database server, so it is not necessary to change prices on individual checkout computers.

Once goods have been sold in a branch, the database is updated. If, for example, you buy a box of your favourite breakfast cereal, the entry in the database for that particular item is decreased by one.

When stock levels are getting low, the supermarket can quickly restock its shelves and reorder goods where necessary. The database can then be updated with the new stock levels.

Data about your purchases, and other people's, can be stored in the database and manipulated so that the supermarket knows what sort of goods people buy in that particular branch. The supermarket's management team can use this information in making decisions about which products to stock.

How Does it Work? The POS terminal only supermarket stock control system to pass the bar code on each item past a laser scanner. The scanner reads the code number stored in the bar code and sends it directly to a computer.

Inventory Control System - Automate Your Tracking

The computer checks the code and, if it is valid, looks up the product's name and price in data files held on disc. The name and price are sent back to the POS terminal. In this way the POS terminal can print out an itemized receipt. Each terminal has a keyboard that can be used if a bar-code cannot be read. As each item is sold, the stock files are updated and orders are printed when they become necessary.

An example of Real Time Stock Control System The operator at a point of sale P.

S terminal only needs to pass the barcode on each item past a laser scanner. The scanner reads the code number stored in the barcode and sends it directly to a computer. The computer checks the code and, if it is valid, looks up the products name and price in data files held on disk.

In this way the POS terminal can print out an itemised receipt.

supermarket stock control system

Note that with POS systems, prices are usually only marked on shelves and not on individual items, which can cause customer confusion. Each terminal has a keyboard that can be used if a bercode cannot be read. Input As each item is sold, the stock files are updated so that customer service can be much quicker, reducing queues few mistakes can be made in charging customers prices can be changed easily a fully itemised bill can be provided for the customer no staff are needed for counting stock on shelves.

Processing Orders are printed when stock levels reach a re-order point. Customer receipts are printed using thermal printers.

Inventory Control System for Supermarkets and Convenience Store by Farrukh Khan (Paperback) - Lulu

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Supermarket Billing System

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