Matlab boolean matrix multiplication

Matlab boolean matrix multiplication

By: Edige Date: 31.05.2017

MATLAB math programming software package written by MathWorks. Quoting from their web page: MATLAB is a complete environment for high-level programming, as well as interactive data analysis. MATLAB excels at numerical computations, especially when dealing with vectors or matrices of data. Symbolic math is available through an add-on toolbox that uses a MuPAD kernel.

There are many add-on toolboxes that extend MATLAB to specific areas of functionality, such as statistics, finance, signal processing, image processing, bioinformatics, etc.

You can find a list of toolboxes http: There is also a list http: Questions about the name " MATLAB " often arise. MATLAB stands for "MATrix LABoratory". See this overview of MATLAB. This wiki contains answers to questions commonly answered on the newsgroup comp. It occasionally includes questions related to similar software packages like Octave. Any topic related to MATLAB is appropriate. Additionally, there will be occasional discussions regarding related math topics in a more abstract form.

The original charter for the group, created in earlycan be found on Google groups http: Before posting, please skim through this document to see if your question has already been answered. If it is has not, there may be information here that may help you better understand the issue and phrase your question.

This Wiki FAQ was started in November from the Google cache of the old original Mathworks FAQ. Original Mathworks FAQ URL now it simply points here to this page: Newsgroup discussion about the FAQ changeover: Google cache from which this FAQ was started: You can read past messages and post from the MATLAB Central Newsreader http: If you are looking for content prior toyou can check other Usenet mirrors of cssm at mathforum.

GNU Octave is a freely available software package with a language "mostly compatible with MATLAB ": Scilab "is a scientific software package for numerical computations in a user-friendly environment".

It is fully open source and has a parallel version. IDL Interactive Data Language is a commercial software package with applications similar to MATLAB.

It is very well suited to image processing and 3D visualization. IDL was formerly produced by Research Systems Inc.

Igor Pro is a commercial graphing, data analysis, image processing and programming software package that combines extensive programmability and numerical analysis tools with powerful visualization tools. O-Matrix is a commercial MATLAB -like program. In fact it has a MATLAB compatibility mode, which the authors claim can execute native MATLAB code times faster than MATLAB.

Readers who have used this package are encouraged to send me a more detailed explanation. LyME runs a reasonable subset of MATLAB code on the Palm platform. Available for free at http: Thanks to Martin Cohen for this info. I see that Euler is still living, now as GNU GPL'ed OSS. Stefan Mueller is involved in developing a MATLAB -like program called JMathLib, written in Java.

SciPy and NumPy are open source Python packages for scientific computations. FreeMat looks very similar to MATLABbut it is open source. It runs under Linux, Mac OS X and Windows and the newest version 4. A cell is a flexible type of variable that can hold any type of variable.

A cell array is simply an array of those cells. It's somewhat confusing so let's make an analogy. A cell is like a bucket. You can throw anything you want into the bucket: Now let's say you have an array of buckets - an array of cells or a "Cell Array".

Each bucket can contain something different, or they might all contain the same type of variable. Bucket 1 could contain a string, while bucket 2 could contain an image array of uint8'swhile bucket 3 could be a int Or all buckets could contain strings of various lengths.

Another way to use the cell is to refer to the cell itselfrather than the contents of it, and for that you use parentheses. The item it refers to must be a cell. For example ca 1 is a cell, ca 2 is a cell, and ca 3 is a cell, even though those cells contain variables of arbitrary, and possibly different, types. To make something a cell, you enclose it in braces, like this:. This set of code is entirely equivalent to the first set of code.

Then let's take that bucket and make it bucket 1, replacing any bucket that was already there. It's just a slight difference - a slightly different way of considering it. You can use either way and I don't really think one way or the other is really preferred. You can use whatever way is easier for you to think about it. Maybe one way will be more intuitive for you than the other way, but again, they are equivalent. Cell arrays are similar to structureswhich you probably are more familiar with, in that both are containers that can hold variables of a variety of different types arrays, strings, scalars, even other structures or cells.

The difference is that with structures you refer to the different "members" or "fields" by their name e. Here is some demo code that may help explain cell arrays, and the type of classes you get when you use braces or parentheses:. One use of cell arrays is to hold lists of strings of different lengths. Since arrays are rectangular, you can't have an character array of strings unless each string was the same length or padded with blanks to be as long as the longest string.

To get around that, you can use a cell array instead of a character array. Each cell in the cell array would hold a string of a different length - they don't have to all be the same length like with a character array.

If you get strange error messages while working with cells or cell arrays, one easy thing to try is to change your braces into parentheses, or your parentheses into braces, and see if that eliminates the errors. It's also possible to mix indexing of the row and column of the cell array with the indexing of the contents of the single cell at that row and column of the cell array. For example, let's create a cell array of 2 rows and 3 columns, and in every cell of that let's put a 4 element integer array.

Then we'll access the second element of the integer array at the cell in row 1, column 2 of the cell array. To visualize, imagine you had an array of buckets arranged in 2 rows and 3 columns this is our cell arrayand in each bucket are 4 billiard balls arranged in a line. The above example goes to the bucket in the first row and second column, and reads off the number of the second billiard ball in that bucket.

For further discussion see Loren Shure's blog: For more information, this link gives good examples about accessing cell data: Don't worry - your number is not truncated. It uses full double-precision floating point numbers to calculate everything. However, by default it only prints a few decimal places to the screen in the command window.

You can change this, to print out more decimal places, using the command:. When performing linear algebra operations on complex matrices, it is almost always the complex conjugate transpose also called the Hermitian transpose that is needed see Gilbert Strang's linear algebra book for discussion- page in edition 3. The bare apostrophe is an operator that takes the complex conjugate transpose.

The non-conjugating transpose operator is a period followed by an apostrophe. Type help punct for more info. By definition, NaN is not equal to any number, not even NaN itself. Therefore there are two ways to detect NaN values:.

Here's a test snippet if you want to see the comparison:. In R12 MATLAB 6. Select the File Preferences In the Display section, there's a checkbox labeled Limit matrix display width to eighty columns. Unchecking that box allows matrix displays to make full use of the Command Window's width. Starting with MATLAB R Typing control-t will uncomment the lines by removing any percent symbol that is the first non-blank character on the line.

If you have an older version, the built-in editor in MATLAB 6. Or you can use matlab-mode for Emacs, which supports this as well. The key is to create a startup. Look at the online help for more detailed instructions specific to your operating system. If you have the Image Processing Toolbox, you can use the imregionalmax function. If you have the Signal Processing Toolbox you can use the findpeaks function. You may have used a variable called "i" earlier in your program or session, thus overwriting the imaginary constant i with your own number.

In this case, MATLAB will use your new value for i instead of treating i as sqrt Five ways to ensure that you receive a complex result are:. Suggested by Joshua Stiff: These are documented in some technical solutions Solution GSNCF Solution IW46N.

You can have multiple functions defined in one m-file, but you can't have a script followed by one or more functions in the same m-file. For example, this m-file:. To fixadd a "function" line as the first line in your code after any comments and it will work.

If you don't have that function line, it's a script, and you can't then define functions later further down in your code. By adding that line, you'll be making a function out of the first few script lines in your m-file, and when all code is contained in functions, there is no error.

Please don't do this! You will find that MATLAB arrays either numeric or cell will let you do the same thing in a much faster, much more readable way. For example, if A1 through A10 contain scalars, use:.

Now refer to A i whenever you mean Ai. In case each Ai contains a vector or matrix, each with a different size, you want to use cell arrays, which are intended exactly for this:. And be sure to use the curly braces for the subscript, not parentheses! See the FAQ entry on cells if this is still unclear to you. Another approach is to use structures with dynamic field names instead of cell arrays.

The fields of the structure can be the variable names you want. And you can index into them with dynamic field references. In this case, you end up with the variable s, a structure, containing fields specified by the names in the strings that are stored in the cells of the cell array.

You can assign anything to the field such as a scalar, an array, a string, another structure, a cell array, or whatever you want. In this example we just assigned the integer in the index variable.

Now, if you still really want to go against our advice and create variables with dynamically generated names, you need to use the eval function.

With evalyou use MATLAB commands to generate the string that will perform the operation you intend. So in a loop, you could use:. Notice how much more obfuscated this is. It could be made possibly clearer to split it up into multiple lines:. In addition, this can cause difficult-to-troubleshoot problems in your code, particularly if you try to dynamically create a variable with the same name as a function:. The fact that a variable named sin existed at runtime is irrelevant; the parsetime "decision" takes precedence.

Even in that case, you can avoid eval by using dynamic field names of a structure:. If the files that you want to process are sequentially numberedlike "file1.

Also note the three different ways of building the file name - you can use your favorite way. In the above code, matData, imageData, and textData will get overwritten each time. You should save them to an array or cell array if you need to use them outside the loop, otherwise use them immediately inside the loop. The second method is if you want to process all the files whose name matches a pattern in a directory.

You can use the DIR function to return a list of all file names matching the pattern, for example all. Or you can use the simpler, though not as robust, code inspired by this StackOverflow question:. The simplistic code above assumes that all files will be in the current folder. Or you can try a "File Exchange Pick of the Week": In MATLAB all array indices must be logical or positive numeric integers.

This means that the following is permitted:. Note that zero is only permitted as an index if it's not really an integer or double zero, but really "false" - a logical data type. When MATLAB displays logical values it uses 0 and 1 rather than "false" and "true". The reason is that the indexes refer to rows and columns in the array. So while you can have row 1 or column 3, you can't have row 3.

To fix the error you must make sure that your indexes are real, positive integer numbers, or logicals. They can be scalars single numbers or vectors or arrays of many numbers.

You might take the expression for your index and make it into a single variable, like myIndexes, and then examine that in the variable editor or use code like this to figure out it's real data type and value:.

The official Mathworks answer to this question can be found here: You cannot mix a script and function s in the same m-file. You can have a script, and that script can call functions in other m-files, or you can have all functions with no script at all. Most likely you have forgotten to include the "function" keyword and the name of your m-file as the first executable line of your m-file.

If you do that, it will probably work. See the following examples:. For example, in the second example above, if we had improperly called the function TestFunction. Issuing the command "TestFunction" would give the error "Undefined function or variable 'testFunction'.

If the file has nothing but numbers separated by whitespace, and has a constant number of columns through the entire file, you can just type load myfile. The function DLMREAD is more flexible and allows you to read files with fields delimited by any character.

If you have mixed data, such as columns of text and numbers, you can use READTABLE. The first line is the column headers line and says what the fields of the table will be called. The function TEXTREAD is more flexible still and allows you to skip lines at the beginning, ignore certain comment lines, read text as well as numbers, and more.

Type help textread for more info. If you are dealing with a more complicated file try XLSREAD, for example when opening a csv file with only partially numerical content.

Just attach any variables that you want to make global to the UserSettings structure. Now, any other function that declares UserSettings as global will have access to all of the member fields of UserSettings. Other functions that do not have the "global UserSettings" line in them will not be able to see the UserSettings global variable.

It is not global unless the global line is included in the function. This is one preferred way of sharing variables in MATLAB If you're using global variables because you want to share variables between functions, look at the section on How can I share data between callback functions in my GUI. That section of this FAQ lists some alternatives to using global variables. The logical vectors created from logical and relational operations can be used to reference subarrays.

Suppose X is an ordinary matrix and L is a matrix of the same size that is the result of some logical operation. Then X L specifies the elements of X where the elements of L are nonzero. I've discovered to my horror that structs take up an obscene amount of overhead I'm running version 5. I have this stored in a 1 x data structure, and when I issue the whos command, it tells me that the data now takes up 27, bytes! My guess would be that a structure contains MATLAB arrays.

Each array has some overhead, like data type, array sizes, etc. In your second implementation index using data. Note that in your data, for each observation, you have 13 arrays with one value. I don't know how large the matrix header exactly is, but it is a waste putting only a single value in it!

I think Cris has hit it exactly. Each one of these matrices adds an additional bytes, for This still comes up a little short of the amount reported, but it is fairly close. It is much more efficient, both for storage and computation, to use a struct of arrays rather than an array of structs.

The debug memory manager cannot catch your code the instant it writes out of bounds tools like Purify can do this but the performance hit they induce is quite painful.

What it will catch is that in general, when you write outside of one memory block you end up writing into another, corrupting it or in the case of the debug memory manager hopefully corrupting only a guard band. When you later free the memory, we can tell you online commodity trading courses in india you walked off the end of the block and corrupted the guard band.

In many programming languages, boolean operators like AND and OR will stop evaluating as soon as the result is known. You can find details here http: In all other contexts, all parts of the conditional are evaluated. A frequent variant of this question is: Why can't I create this MB matrix? First of all, issue the command "memory" in the command window to see how much memory is available on your computer.

It should return something like this:. Remember that double precision floats take up 8 bytes. Fidelity bank forex rates a million element vector takes up 8Mbytes.

Be sure you're estimating properly. Many operations need to create duplicate matrices. If you're sure your matrices are reasonably sized, then read these Mathworks Technical Notes: Memory Management Guide and Tech Note Avoiding Out of Memory Errors. If the matrix size is not defined prior to populating it with data through a FOR loop, memory fragmentation problems may happen since MATLAB is not aware of the final matrix size upon the conclusion of the FOR loop.

In order to work around this issue, one solution is to jobs that make a shitload of money memory by creating an initial matrix of zeros with the final size of how much money does a costco manager make matrix being populated in the FOR loop.

You should read the following Mathworks article: Technical Solution for a more complete discussion of this problem. This allows one replace any or all of the parameters with dynamically generated strings. This is also useful in commands like PRINT, LOAD, CLEAR, etc.

If you are attempting to use pass-by-reference to modify the input argument passed into a function, the answer to the question depends on whether the input is a handle object or a value object. The two types of objects are described in the Object-Oriented Programming http: By default, objects including matrices, arrays, etc.

Jquery input select value objects do exhibit reference behavior when passed as function arguments; value objects do not.

When you pass a handle object to a function, MATLAB still copies the value of the argument to the parameter variable in the function with one bit of subtlety; see below. However, all copies of a handle object refer to the same underlying object.

If a function modifies a handle object passed as an input argument, the modification affects the object referenced by both the coles supermarket boxing day trading hours and copied handles.

In this case, the function does not need to return the result to be reassigned. If instead herbert hoover during stock market crash are attempting to use pass-by-reference to avoid unnecessary copying of data into the workspace of the function you're calling, you asx sharemarket game tips be aware that MATLAB uses a system commonly called "copy-on-write" to avoid making a copy of the input argument inside the function workspace until or unless you modify the input argument.

Online commodity trading courses in india you do not modify the input argument, MATLAB will avoid making a copy.

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For instance, in this code:. MATLAB will not make a copy of the input in the workspace of functionOfLargeMatrix, as x is not being changed in that function. If on the other hand, you called this function:. For more information on this behavior, read this posting http: The term "function functions" refers to functions in MATLAB and the toolboxes that accept a function usually a function handle and evaluate that function forex r6a fiyat during the course of their work.

Some ratio spread option strategy of "function functions" are:. There are several documents on The MathWorks support website that shows examples of how to pass additional parameters to the functions used by the "function functions".

This information has also been incorporated into the documentation in recent versions of MATLAB and the toolboxes:. When a function is cleared from memory using the CLEAR function, breakpoints in that file are also cleared. If you want typing work at home free registration have your program stop execution and enter debug mode regardless of whether or not you have cleared it, insert a call to the KEYBOARD function into the code at the location where you want to enter debug mode.

This will not be cleared by the CLEAR function and will cause MATLAB to enter debug mode when the KEYBOARD function is called. You can find more information on this item in the documentation http: One common cause of an "Undefined function or variable" error or an error about the RecursionLimit being exceeded when using an ODE solver like ODE45 is that the function being called by the ODE solver itself contains the call to the ODE solver.

For instance, if your code is:. If you call myodefunction with no inputs, you will receive an error on the second line, where MATLAB tries to use t and y to define dy. If alpari uk binary options broker compare call myodefunction with two inputs, it will proceed without error to the ODE45 call.

ODE45 will call myodefunction with two inputs, and that call will proceed without error to the ODE45 call. This process will repeat until ODE45 has recursively call myodefunction a number of times equal to the root RecursionLimit property, at which point MATLAB will throw an error.

To avoid these errors, do not include the call to the ODE solver inside live forex charts eur usd ODE function the function you pass to the ODE solver what is the purpose of backdating stock options the first input argument.

Instead, define the ODE function in a subfunction or as a separate function file and use that valuing thinly traded stock your ODE45 call.

The EVAL function is one of the most powerful, flexible, and potentially dangerous functions in MATLAB.

Since EVAL is so powerful, it is easy to misuse the function. In a way, the EVAL function is a lot like global variables; both are tools that are so easy to use that it might be easier to use them rather than to search for a more elegant, safer, and appropriate solution.

There is a major drawback to the EVAL function, although it can be avoided tradestation fx options you use EVAL carefully. EVAL can be used to alter arbitrary variables. In addition, two related functions, evalin and assignin, can be used to alter variables in different function workspaces.

These functions stock market response to election results create bugs which mariusz ambroziak forex difficult to reproduce and nearly impossible to eliminate.

Further explanation, and The Mathworks official warning against using eval, can be found in Mathworks Tech Note It may not be there to read in or may not be written out to the folder that you expected.

If another function call used the historical forex data excel function to change the current folder, then you would be looking to that folder when you tried to read in a file or write out a file. If you thought that you were looking at a different folder, then you'll get a "file not found" error upon trying to read in a file, or else not find the file in that folder that you thought you wrote out to.

It would be best if any what contributed to the 1929 stock market crash that used cd saved and restored the original folder:. It's much, much better to not matlab boolean matrix multiplication cd and instead create the full-blown explicit filename with functions such as sprintffilepartsand fullfile. Because if you have the full path name of the file, you'll know for certain where it will get saved to or read from.

See the following code for guidance:. Unlike custom functions that you write, the callback functions take the predetermined input variables hObject, eventdata, handles so it's not clear how us total stock market index fund can pass in other variables that you need to.

There are several techniques you can use to share data between callback functions in your GUI. Which approach is easiest depends on whether you are creating your GUI using GUIDE to design the layout GUIDE-based GUIs or whether you are calling FIGURE, AXES, UICONTROL, etc. Functions that do not have the "global myVariable" line in them will not be able to see the variable.

The "myVariable" variable will not be seen in the "base" workspace - it will be seen only inside functions with the "global myVariable" declaration in them. Sharing between multiple GUIs. If the "main" GUI calls other GUIs, then the best way to do it is by passing variables in via lock on binary options uk input argument list, and accepting output variables via the output argument list.

The output argument of GUI2 can then be sent into GUI3. So someplace in GUI1 like the callback function of the "Go! The arguments can be extracted out of the varargin cell array of your opening code for the GUI, for example in the GUI's "OpeningFcn" function if you used GUIDE.

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Once they are in your futures trading courses singapore function, then they can be shared amongst the other functions in the GUI with the methods mentioned stock market for pinoys pdf in this section. This method will not let GUI1 control GUI2 and GUI3's parameters "live" - they can be changed only bonus no deposit forex metal calling the GUIs.

To have GUI1 control GUI2 when GUI2 is already running, you can use the assignin function. This answer from Geoff Hayes in the Answers forum may also help you in the multiple GUI situation: The documentation contains instructions for using these techniques cara trading forex supaya profit share data between callbacks in these Mathworks web pages:.

The ticklabel gets its properties from bloomberg trading system axis to which it is attached. So set gca, 'fontsize', 14 should do the trick. Type get gca to see what else you can set.

MATLAB does not interpret TeX strings in ticklabels. You can play games with placing text by hand. See the MathWorks solution for some ideas of how to work around this. There are also some free third-party software packages you can use to accomplish this.

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One community-generated solution in the MATLAB File Exchange is Format Work from home jobs in sirsa Labels http: El kid making money descargar will replace axes tick labels with formatted text objects that can include both Tex and LaTex interpreted strings.

Doug Schwarz has written a Styled Text Toolbox that does this. It is freely available at: At least from this is supported via MATLAB. Change Axis Tick Values and Labels. As of MATLAB 7. If you are using a version of MATLAB prior to version 7. This file is located here http: Sorry, there's no easy solution. MATLAB does not support hierarchical figures, so you can't have a container control holding your controls.

If you really need this you'll have to create your own, using the callbacks from the scrollbar to modify the position properties of your controls.

What I would do is to add 2 pushbuttons to the figure: As of release Rb, set the axes XTickLabelRotation, YTickLabelRotation, or ZTickLabelRotation properties. See the "Tick Values and Labels" section of the documentation for axes properties for more information. For earlier releases, you cannot rotate tick labels directly but there are some community-generated solutions to simulate this in the MATLAB Central File Exchange.

See Format Tick Labels http: If you simply auto binary signals pro review option vegas to edit the matrix as if it were an Excel spreadsheet, you can use the builtin Array Editor.

Or you can use the uitable control. See the help for uitable. For this to work well, you first need to have a first look at all of your data to determine what are the minimum and maximum values over the entire set of images.

For example, if the overall minimum value amongst all images is 40 and the overall maximum isyou may issue the command "caxis [40 ] " for each image. Tech noteat http: As a bonus, it includes a thorough discussion of colormaps in general. There are probably several hundred of these default handle graphics options. Rather than trying to remember any particular one, should i buy hemp stock best thing is to learn the general principle behind all of these default handle graphics properties.

The basic call to insert into your startup. For more details, do a full text search for 'Defining Default Values' in the R12 online help, and click on the very first hit. Also see the following entries in the R12 online help:. A histogram is made up of patch objects. The trick is to modify the FaceColor property of these patches. A short example follows:. A user-contributed m-file arrow. Also look at arrow3. This behavior, where MOVIE displayed the movie one time more than was requested, was eliminated in MATLAB 7.

In older releases, the movie function displayed each frame as it loaded the data into memory, and then played the movie the requested number of times all the data was loaded.

This eliminated long delays with a blank screen when you loaded a memory-intensive stock market in india ppt. The movie's load cycle was not considered one of the movie repetitions. One hopes that The MathWorks will include this often-requested feature in a future, but there is no guarantee. Related to this, changing the stacking order of your GUI elements might allow you to set the tab order, but this seems to not always work.

The text command can be used in a vectorized form to automatically add text labels wherever needed. Say you have a matrix D, where the first column contains X coordinates and the second column contains Y coordinates.

Try searching the File Exchange: Many people encounter trouble when they try to use the various built in MATLAB functions such as print, saveas, hgsave, etc. For example, the colors market depth forex trading be different than expected, there may be undesired spacing around make money blogging plr ebook, it may offshore stock brokers singapore all black or all white, the overlay graphics don't get saved along with the underlying image, forex in plain english resolution is not correct, the wrong part of the window is being saved, etc.

This may solve your problems. Please visit this Answer: Answers Forum Tutorial on Greek Letters. As is mentioned frequently in the newsgroup, some floating point numbers can not be represented exactly in binary form.

So that's why you see the very small but not zero result. The difference is that 0: So after a few steps it will be off whereas [0 0. An alternate comparison richest man in stock market is to check if the two numbers you're comparing are "close enough" as expressed by a tolerance to one another:.

You can see this same sort of behavior outside MATLAB. Using pencil and paper or a chalkboard, or a whiteboard, etc. The number of decimal places must be finite, however. In exact arithmetic, y would be exactly 1; however, since x is not exactly one third but is a rounded approximation to one third, y will not be exactly 1.

For a readable introduction to floating point arithmetic, look at Cleve's Corner article from Floating Points Forex forecast aud gbp http: For an official "Answer" by the Mathworks in the Answers forum, read Why-does-mat2strreturnin-matlab. For more rigorous and detailed information on floating point arithmetic, read the following paper: What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic http: Another resource is Technical Note http: And yet another is Loren's blog A Glimpse into Floating-Point Accuracy.

It can be extended to handle ellipses by putting in factors inside the sqrt in the obvious places. If you want, this circle mask can be used best way to make money on f2p rs assign image values either inside or outside the circle to a new gray level:.

Newer forex php to dhs of the Image Processing Toolbox have the viscircles function for plotting multiple circles simultaneously. Or, if you want a list of x and y coordinates of the perimeter of the circle, or of an arc, you can do this:.

Note that it will be a circle according to the tick marks on the axes, but whether it appears perfectly circular on your computer monitor depends on your video adapter settings.

The above code can also be used to create an arc - a portion of a circle. Just change the line that assigns theta to start and stop at the desired angles of the arc. If you want this to be in the overlay of an existing plot or image, issue the forex trader jokes on" command prior to issuing the rectangle command, or else the circle will destroy the existing plot or image.

The use of meshgrid or ndgrid can be easily extended to 3D ways to invest and make money fast create a logical mask for a sphere. Creating an arc is very similar to creating a circle. Simply specify a starting and ending angle for theta. The code is very similar to the code to create a circle from above - just specify an inner and outer radius.

An elegant chunk of code to perform least-squares circle fitting was written by Bucher Izhak and has been floating around the newgroup for some time. The first reference to it that I can find is in msgid: Tom Davis provided a more sophisticated approach that works for more cases in msgid: See this paper Least-squares orthogonal distances fitting of circle, sphere, ellipse, hyperbola, and parabola. To create a set of x,y coordinates within apb how to make easy money perimeter of a solid circle a discyou can use code like this from Roger Stafford in his Answers posting:.

To create a set of x, y, z coordinates uniformly and randomly distributed over the surface of a hollow sphere a round shellyou can use code ams trading system this from Roger Stafford in his Answers Forum posting [4].

You can use the built-in function polyarea. If you wish to avoid using 'polyarea', one method is this offered by Roger Stafford. Let x and y be vectors of the corresponding coordinates of the polygon's vertices taken in counterclockwise order around the polygon. You can find the areas of closed contours you generated with the contour function with the following code:.

For full matrices, pseudocode describing the algorithm can be found in the MathWorks Technical Solution How does the backslash operator work when A is full?

Also for sparse matrices, you can turn on monitoring routines that show you some of the steps. Use spparms 'spumoni', 1or spparms 'spumoni', 2. Why this is so we will never know. Instead, you can use the gamma function, which is vectorized. If you are trying to compute a ratio of factorials, see the next question.

If you are trying to compute "n choose k", just use the function nchoosek. Otherwise, Paul Skoczylas suggests in msgid: If I wanted to evaluate n! In the same way there are two solutions plus and minus for the square root of a positive number, there are multiple solutions for roots of negative and complex numbers. The last one simplifies to MATLAB always returns the first solution counter-clockwise from the positive real axis, i. Armed with this knowledge, you can compute all or some particular root.

For instance, if you want the negative real cube root, simply take the cube root of the absolute value of the number, and negate it. For a different wording and more information, see the related [MathWorks Tech Solution http: Finally, Joe Sababa suggests in msgid: The easiest way to find the spectrum of irregularly sampled data is to resample it to uniform samples.

You can do this with MATLAB's interp1 function. The accuracy of your spectrum will depend on the accuracy of the interpolation.

You will want to experiment with several of the interpolation methods that are available in interp1. I believe that for interpolation with a limited window i. If interpolation doesn't work there are other schemes available. The Lomb-Scargle periodogram is often mentioned in relation to this question and may be more appropriate if your data has very uneven spacing e. I know that this algorithm is listed in Numerical Recipes, but I don't have a good on-line reference with MATLAB code to point you to.

In general, the problem is that the spacing between points determines the "importance" of a particular point. For example, if several points are very close together, then small amounts of noise on those measurements will tend to have a greater effect on inferring the slope of the function and with it, the high frequency energy than the same amounts of noise on measurements that are further apart. This is a fine solution, except that having to replicate vector uses memory unnecessarily, and is less cache-efficient.

The accelerated single loop may run faster in some cases, dujjkke to the better cache-usage. In newer versions of MATLAB you can use bsxfun. BSX stands for Binary Singleton eXpansion.

It accomplishes the same thing without the memory footprint of repmat and is more compact than a for-loop. N, B multiplies the columns of A by the elements of B. For division, use 1. This solution requires the conversion of the full vector to a sparse format, but the actual computation will be very fast. The fastest solution depends on the sizes involved, so try them all! If you have a set of x,y points that define a curve, and you want to find discontinuities in the slope, or "kinks" in the curve, you can check the radius of curvature between 3 points along the curve.

Please see this reference: Posting by Roger Stafford in the Answers forum.

matlab boolean matrix multiplication

Follow the instructions in technical support solution document. It has instructions for both when you have MATLAB still installed and still have the computer, and for when MATLAB has been uninstalled or you do not have the computer. When MATLAB automatically activates, it registers the volume serial number and the MAC addresses of the machine to your license. If you cannot access the computer you want to deactivate MATLAB on, you can deactivate the "old computer" that MATLAB registered to by deactivating manually from your MathWorks License Center, since technically it is no longer accessible and can't be deactivated from that specific machine with the specific MAC address.

To deactivate MATLAB from the MathWorks License Center. There are so many ways that you could have problems during installation and volunteers in the Answers forum can't possibly know the solutions to all of them or even some of them. Asking in the Answers forum or the Newsgroup will only delay you from getting the issue solved.

The Mathworks gives free support for all installation problemseven by telephone and even for the Student Edition. This is the fastest way to solve your installation problem: Although the Student Edition normally does not get technical support, it does get support for installation issues.

The causes for crashes are many and complex, and complicated to figure out, especially if you don't have access to the source code. This is why it's best for The Mathworks to work on your crash issue. Call The Mathworks at and explain to them the circumstances for your crash. The Mathworks gives free support for all installation problems, even by telephone and even for Student, Home, or Trial versions. Note, this is just if MATLAB itself crashes, not if it's your m-file throwing an error red text in the command window or a DLL or mex file causing the crash.

Follow the instructions in technical support solution document HLG http: Start MATLAB using the command matlab -nodesktop. A related switch is -nojvmwhich starts MATLAB without the Java Virtual Machine, making it take much less memory. However many of the editor and browser features will not work. This is likely to be a problem only under Windows, where MATLAB must poll for Ctrl-C events.

If it is deep within matrix computation, it will simply not respond. If this occurs inside a loop construct, you can force MATLAB to poll more often by inserting drawnow or pause 0 into the loop.

This will also update your figures and make GUIs more responsive. See this link for demo code: To set an image to some contant value either inside or outside some defined regions, you first need to make a binary image. See this page for demo code: Please refer to this demo: Image Analyst's "Image Segmentation Tutorial". To find objects or regions in a certain color range, please refer to: Image Analyst's Color Segmentation Demos.

To see how to extract individual frames from a video file and save them to disk, see this demo: Extract Frames From Movie. The demo also shows how to do image processing and analysis on the individual frames and displays the results as a function of frame number.

To see how to take individual frames from image files on disk and create and play a movie from them, see the bottom part of this demo: You need to measure an object of known length so that you can get a spatial calibration factor. Put a ruler, a tape measure, a standard sheet of paper, or anything else of known length into the scene.

Then snap a picture of it and use imdistline to find the length in pixels. For example, let's say you laid down a sheet of A4 paper and measured it's distance as pixels. Multiply by that calibration factor squared to convert the area in pixels to the area in square centimeters.

To generate a standalone executable that you can execute outside MATLAB or on a computer without MATLAByou will need to use the MATLAB Compiler. The section titled "Deployment Process" in the documentation for this product gives instructions on what steps you need to perform to run the executable on a machine that does not have MATLAB installed. Limitations About What May Be Compiled. If you've deployed installed your standalone executable application on the end-user's computer and it won't run, there are various things you can try to fix the situation:.

A different version will not work. For example, a program compiled with version 8. Earlier or later versions will not work. If this is the problem, then you should see an error message notifying you of this in the console window that appears as the application tries to launch. You can have multiple, even older, versions of MCR on the target computer without any conflict, but you must at least have the same version it was compiled with.

See what files are called. Pay particular attention to those that are labeled "other. It's like a souped up version of the dependency report tool that's built into MATLAB. Look at all the modules that are listed. It sometimes finds modules that the Dependency Report tool doesn't. This must be run on the target computer, not the computer that compiled it, unless it won't run on that computer either.

Sometimes the mistake is on their side. For example, one time they figured out that there was something missing in the image processing toolbox or the compiler so that compiled versions didn't run.

They made a patch for it. However that never seems to work for me and Dependence Walker will show that it can't find msvcr In this case, go to the Microsoft web site and download and install the redistributable yourself.

You can also try here: After doing that it seems to work most of the time. Some have found that rebooting after that first installation where it quits will allow you to rerun the MCRInstaller. When your compiled app runs, it also executes the startup. So whatever code you had in your startup. It is not obvious to people that their startup. So make sure that everything that's in there makes sense when run on the target computer.

For example if your startup. You can have code in your startup. It is a built-in variable that is true if the code is compiled and false if it's source code running in the normal MATLAB development environment. If you refer to subfolders in your application, they will actually be under this folder, which is usually in a temporary, hidden folder in Windows, it's under C: For example, you cannot compile a 64 bit m-file that tries to call a 32 bit DLL.

This is a common problem with users trying to call old DLLs from third party manufacturers e. If you're calling a 32 bit DLL, you MUST use the 32 bit version of MATLAB to compile it, and install the 32 bit version of the MCR from the matching MATLAB Release on the target computer.

The target computer can be either a 32 bit computer or a 64 bit computer. You can install both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of MATLAB on your computer and they will live happily together with no conflicts. To make sure you see the error messages before they vanish, run the program from a console window an MS-DOS command prompt. From the start menu, type cmd in the run box to get a console window.

Then use cd to navigate to the folder where you have your executable. Then type in the name of the executable. When it runs, any errors will go to the console window but the console window will not close and you'll have the ability to see the errors. You might also be able to do this from the MATLAB command window prompt if you type an exclamation point bang followed by the name of the executable.

Additionally, in some cases EXEs generated from models using these blocks are dependent on these shared libraries as well. In this case it seems like the Simulink UDP Send block has some of these dependencies. The PACKNGO function can be used to locate the needed shared libraries. Then you can execute the command. This will create compressed folder in the same directory containing the generated EXE. This compressed folder should contain any DLLs that the generated EXE is dependent on. This information came from the Answers forum.

The folder where you installed your compiled executable is not the actual folder that your application runs out of. For example, it's not really in C: So if you put any files in the folder where you think the exe is C: The exe in that folder is actually a self-extracting archive that unzips the real executable to the secret folder. So your file would have to be located there in that secret folder for your executable to see it that is, if you neglected to include the full path and just assume it would find your file in the current working directorywhich is bad practice.

The ways around this are to ship the files with the -a option of mcc, or include it in deploytool if you're using deploytool to create your executable. Or better yet, specify the full path of any files you use and make sure they're there. Use fullfile to create full file names, and exist filename, 'file' to check for them ebfore you use them.

Alert the user with uiwait warndlg yourWarningMessage if the file does not exist. Create yourWarningMessage with sprintf explaining the missing file to your user. Then it will unpack a bunch of stuff subfolders, etc. See the Compiler Documentation. You have to use the -e option.

Use -e in place of the -m option. This option is available for Windows only. Use with -R option to generate error logging as such:. You can also suppress the MS-DOS command window when using deploytool by creating a Windows Standalone Application.

Please read Loren's discussion here: Path management in deployed applications. First of all, you can find out what toolboxes are installed on your computer by issuing the "ver" command in the MATLAB command window.

To find out what toolboxes are required by any specific m-file, you can:. The Release Notes tell you what new features were introduced, or what bugs were fixed, in versions since the year Other than the direct link just given, here's a way to navigate to the release notes for current and older versions of MATLAB.

Note that release notes are available there for releases back to R14 in The release notes summarize new features, compatibility considerations, and fixed and known bugs.

Similarly, you can find release notes for the Image Processing Toolbox going back to version 2. Its TeX interpreter is much more complete than the builtin MATLAB interpreter. Arno Linnemann has written an M-file to simplify the inclusion of MATLAB graphics into LaTeX documents, along with a nice document of tips and tricks. Genetic Algorithm Optimization Toolbox: GAOT implements simulated evolution in the MATLAB environment.

Written by the Meta-Heuristic Research and Applications Group at the North Carolina State University Department of Industrial Engineering: One choice is the image processing book written by Steve Eddins. Steve Eddins is a software development manager in the MATLAB and image processing areas at MathWorks.

Steve coauthored Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB. He writes about image processing concepts, algorithm implementations, and MATLAB, both in the book and on his Steve on Image Processing blog. There aren't many of them but they can be found off the Mathworks Support web page here: Tech Notes and How-to Guides. They can be found off the Mathworks Support web page. You may find that the algorithm in the scientific article is interesting and may be useful to you, but you may not understand it, or you may not know how to program it up in MATLAB, so you ask if anyone in the Answers forum or newsgroup will program it up for you.

Unfortunately, the newsgroup and Answers volunteers generally don't have the time to read some scientific article, understand it themselves, then explain it to you, code it up for you, and finally hand over the code to you.

There are just too many papers - we can't even find the time to read the papers that we find interesting, much less other ones. If you really need it done, here are some options for you:. Using this in combination with the Windows Task Manager, you can set a MATLAB job to run when you want it to run, even if you are not at the computer. Please note that you will need to exit MATLAB at the end of the m-file.

Alternately, if you only want a single file to run, you can name it startup. For UNIX, you can use the at or cron commands to execute a script which runs MATLAB. In the script, use this general syntax:. If you want to record output, either use the SAVE command inside your m-file or redirect the output of the MATLAB session to a file using this syntax:.

This syntax only works for scripts. If you need to run a function, create a wrapper script that calls the function. FANDOM Skip to Content Skip to Wiki Navigation Skip to Site Navigation. Games Movies TV Wikis. Explore Wikis Community Central Fandom University. Sign In Don't have an account? Most visited articles FAQ Split image into blocks Text Extraction from complex background image Mask an image ExtractFramesFromMovie.

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